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Nov 30 - Dec 04

Devishi Seth

Misused (2020), Clay sculpture

of human brain cast in wax

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As I explore the world, I explore myself and it shapes the art I make. My creative practice stems from how our societies and cultures function. The complexities of the world and the human brain have always fascinated me. I started studying various topics to understand these things better as they are. Every day I seek to be more aware of my inner conscience and the impact of my actions. I want to understand the essence of the world we live in. I believe that each and every human forms this society. It changes as we change and it is our reality. As artists, we have the need to give our feelings and opinions physical forms. One could say we are analysts, analysing our feelings and the world around us. I want to conclude with a realization I came upon one year ago. All humans are hypocrites. Living in this society that we constantly complain about, we often forget that we’re also the ones who make it. And I too, have been a hypocrite since I see the world from an outer perspective forgetting that I am a part of it. I aim to be like my artwork, my thoughts. We all need to realize that only when we all collectively take a step towards living our moral beliefs can this society change.

Take me home (2020)

Oil on Canvas

Glitched (2019) Oil on Canvas

Intangible Spirit (2019)

Oil, Acrylic, Fabric on Canvas

OC 2 - Devishi Seth.jpeg
OC 2.1 - Devishi Seth.jpeg
OC 1 - Devishi Seth.jpeg
OC3 - Devishi Seth.jpg
OC 4 - Devishi Seth.jpg

Decolonizine 2020

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